Moving and scrolling within the FBD-editor

If the content of the →graphical FBD-editor is larger than the visible space, this is how to move the visible area of the FBD-editor:

  1. Press and hold the middle mouse button or the scroll wheel.
    If your mouse does not possess a middle mouse button or a scroll wheel, press and hold the Alt-key as well as the primary mouse button.

  2. Move the mouse into any direction to move the visible area.

Moreover, it is possible to scroll as follows:

by using:

Scroll vertically

Scroll horizontally

scroll wheel

Rotate the scroll wheel.

Press and hold the Shift-key while rotating the scroll wheel.


Press the cursor movement key ↑ (Up) or ↓ (Down) repeatedly.
Alternative: Press the Page Up key or the Page Down key.

Press the cursor movement key → (Right) or ← (Left) repeatedly.

scroll bar

Point to the scroll box of the vertical scroll bar, press and hold the primary mouse button while moving the scroll box.

Point to the scroll box of the horizontal scroll bar, press and hold the primary mouse button while moving the scroll box.

Alternative in order to quickly scroll to the starting page within the FBD-editor: Click (below the vertical scroll bar and right of the horizontal scroll bar). Moreover, Neuron Power Engineer sets the zoom factor to 100%.